
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2023

Time Travel to the Future or Past

    Hello everyone! Today I am going to talk about  Time Travel to the Future or Past. First of all, this is certainly not a topic I would choose to talk about, and that is because I prefer to live the present fully, and I really like how it is my present and the things that I do. If I had to choose between traveling to the future or the past, I would choose the future, because as I said earlier I really like my present and I would not change anything, but knowing how will be the future seems very interesting. To know how will be my life (especially with the work), how advanced is the technology and humanity, or maybe If we find a solution to stop climate change or a cure for cancer. If I could travel to the future, first I would go ten years later to know if I end up working as a dentist or as a truck driver (If I can not find work). After that, I am not sure about what year I would like to go, there are a lot of possibilities and I would spend too much time looking at all of th

My dream job

Hello everyone! Today I am going to talk about my dream job. To start, when I was a child, I wanted to become a firefighter and later a truck driver, because they work outdoors, travel to other parts of the country (I really like to travel, especially to the South) plus I used to really like trucks back then, but as I got older, my dream job changed, and I wanted to be a dentist (now I am a second year student of dentistry at the University of Chile) because oral health is really important to society as well, and is something many people lack in that zone (there is a high poverty level). I do not think that I will travel a lot in my job, but I would like to move to the south of the country and work as a dentist there and maybe build my own clinic in a little and quiet town or city. On the other hand, I have not really thought about specializing, so it is something I will have to decide in the future. Finally, If I do not find work as a dentist or if I can´t build my own clinic, I cou